Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Everyone else is talking about 'Shoot to Kill', so...

...I'll throw in a few thoughts from reading the paper and the 'net over the last couple of weeks.
1) You can tell which way an article is slanted by which of the two picture of Zimmerman accompany it, depressed in a mug shot, or smiling in a jacket and tie.
2) The lawsuit that I can guarantee, if these facts are correct, is against the Sanford PD. All the paperwork from the night of the shooting has Trayvon Martin's personal info, address, phone numbers, etc...yet the PD held the body for three days as a John Doe without notifying the parents?
3) The police chief steps down temporarily, out of concern for the case. Is Trayvon temporarily dead? Then don't act like this is somehow equivalent.
4) What are the rules on following 'orders' given by a 911 operator in FL, maybe specifically Sanford? If a cop tells me to stand back and I don't, he can make me regret it. I know 911 operators are now being trained and certified under new law in Florida. Does that require the public to pay attention to them?
5) Regardless of the more appropriate euphemisms, 'Shoot to Kill' or 'Kill at Will', the first word in the ALEC-marketed gun law that allowed Zimmerman to be released is 'Stand', as in 'Stand Your Ground.'
Oper: 'Sir, are you following him?'
Zimm: 'Yes'
Oper:'Don't do that, sir.'
Where is Zimmerman standing his ground? His 'ground' is moving, because he is moving it. This law doesn't apply. Minimum: aggravated assault.
Better: up to but not including 1st Degree Murder.