Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Help me, I love them both...

I hold in my hand page D5 of yesterday's LA Times. That's in the 'Calendar' section for you out-of-towners. Below the fold are two ads for concerts.

One is for 'An Evening With The Monkees'. Yes, Davey just died a few weeks ago, but Michael Nesmith will be on the tour. One night only, at the Greek, in November. I was a huge fan when I was eleven, and have Rhino's 4-CD complete box set. I even own "Justified", their reunion studio album.  Want to go.

In the other ad, and much sooner, The House of Blues on the Strip has the Dead Kennedys. These guys got me through my final, and successful, attempt at college. I sat for a Numerical Analysis final for my Comp Sci degree with 'Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables' blasting in my ears from an Aiwa cassette deck. My wife's an Elvis fan, yet somehow does not appreciate Jello Biafra's rendering of 'Viva Las Vegas'...strange..."Lot's of lovely women, the dice stay hot, got coke up my nose to dry away the snot. Viva Las Vegas!" What's not to love? What can't provide at least a modicum of  anger management to a ferocious late bloomer? 

The flip-side to that cassette was FEAR's 'More' Beer', but true to form, I only needed about half the allotted time to finish the exam. Finished 'Viva Las Vegas' as I dropped the blue book on the counter. It always has a little wobble in the recording speed just at the end. Thought it was my cassette, or the deck, but it's still there on the officially-released CD, so I guess they screwed up the original tape or pressing. Ah well, it's the scars on the leather that prove its authenticity...

What does it say of my tastes that I still like both of these bands? Secret hint: I went to the Weird Al concert on Sunday night.

The common thread in my taste is: I like bands that sound like they're enjoying making the music. Even if the music sounds fucking angry.

It's been a while...

...and some thing's have changed. Just got back last weekend from a vacation that I didn't need to come back from, at least not for work. The day before I was scheduled to leave, my contract was ended, in my third meeting of the day, at three in the afternoon. Well, it was a three-to-six-month contract that'd lasted well over seven years. But the end was abrupt nonetheless.

Some introspection is due, as well as some housecleaning, both literal and figurative. You should see the rat's nest that is my office. Or rather, my wife would wish you wouldn't. Maybe in making a dent in that I can find some peace in letting go of some, hopefully many, of the beginnings of various projects, the remnants of past interests not so much abandoned as put on hold.

Dawn would like me to take some time off from "work", without wasting time or being on some kind of slacker vacay. I need to build new programming skills, as mine have become worthless over seven years of babysitting a company's so-to-be-abandoned system (seven years? soon? whaaaa?) Which assumes I want to go back to programming.

And of course, there's the coming apocalypse, aka Election 2012.

So I have some time right now, maybe the last third of this year, to take a step back, to step off for a while, to rebuild and refocus. But I've got decisions to make also.

Which include what to write about. Some personal. Some political. All mine.

Here I go. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Everyone else is talking about 'Shoot to Kill', so...

...I'll throw in a few thoughts from reading the paper and the 'net over the last couple of weeks.
1) You can tell which way an article is slanted by which of the two picture of Zimmerman accompany it, depressed in a mug shot, or smiling in a jacket and tie.
2) The lawsuit that I can guarantee, if these facts are correct, is against the Sanford PD. All the paperwork from the night of the shooting has Trayvon Martin's personal info, address, phone numbers, etc...yet the PD held the body for three days as a John Doe without notifying the parents?
3) The police chief steps down temporarily, out of concern for the case. Is Trayvon temporarily dead? Then don't act like this is somehow equivalent.
4) What are the rules on following 'orders' given by a 911 operator in FL, maybe specifically Sanford? If a cop tells me to stand back and I don't, he can make me regret it. I know 911 operators are now being trained and certified under new law in Florida. Does that require the public to pay attention to them?
5) Regardless of the more appropriate euphemisms, 'Shoot to Kill' or 'Kill at Will', the first word in the ALEC-marketed gun law that allowed Zimmerman to be released is 'Stand', as in 'Stand Your Ground.'
Oper: 'Sir, are you following him?'
Zimm: 'Yes'
Oper:'Don't do that, sir.'
Where is Zimmerman standing his ground? His 'ground' is moving, because he is moving it. This law doesn't apply. Minimum: aggravated assault.
Better: up to but not including 1st Degree Murder.   

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Back in the saddle....

Now that I've got access again, I want to find the settings for the earlier posts, because I liked that font and size. This is 'Times' / Small, and it looks like what I was using before.

Christ, I hate Google

I'm trying to use accounts that have been dormant for a while, to post at some 'net systems ...YouTube account, Blogger account(s), you know.

Only Google has bought them sincwe I last used them...and used their entirely fucked-up Google Admin defaults and 'protections' to completely prevent their use by me, either the admin or the sole user of each of these accounts.

For instance, this is actually a test of the ability to post to a blog at Blogger that I'd like to start using again, posted via e-mail, because I can no longer log into the Blogger at 'Sign In' because the only logion associated with the blog, the blogger login, is unavailable. I have to login using one of the many Google logins, none of which exist because they were not needed last year. And Even before that, I have to somehow un-login to a domain that should have been for my political Club's  YouTube account, which became unuseable, and is abandoned as of Tuesday, due to the Automatic Google Admin invention of a second email address for it, one which conflicts with a long-standing and heavily-used address, for the 'President' of the Club, which Google insists be abandoned by the Club.

Totally Fucked.

So ifthis post works, then I'm at least (and only) capable of posting this way, and that's the only way I'll post.

Of course, I can't place tags this way....which is fortunate for Google, don't you think?