Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's been a while...

...and some thing's have changed. Just got back last weekend from a vacation that I didn't need to come back from, at least not for work. The day before I was scheduled to leave, my contract was ended, in my third meeting of the day, at three in the afternoon. Well, it was a three-to-six-month contract that'd lasted well over seven years. But the end was abrupt nonetheless.

Some introspection is due, as well as some housecleaning, both literal and figurative. You should see the rat's nest that is my office. Or rather, my wife would wish you wouldn't. Maybe in making a dent in that I can find some peace in letting go of some, hopefully many, of the beginnings of various projects, the remnants of past interests not so much abandoned as put on hold.

Dawn would like me to take some time off from "work", without wasting time or being on some kind of slacker vacay. I need to build new programming skills, as mine have become worthless over seven years of babysitting a company's so-to-be-abandoned system (seven years? soon? whaaaa?) Which assumes I want to go back to programming.

And of course, there's the coming apocalypse, aka Election 2012.

So I have some time right now, maybe the last third of this year, to take a step back, to step off for a while, to rebuild and refocus. But I've got decisions to make also.

Which include what to write about. Some personal. Some political. All mine.

Here I go. 

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