Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Morning Line: The Forum, Filner and TeaBagger Frauds

7/30/2013 9:38 AM
The Morning Line 7/30/13

I listen to AM radio, with all its ads, and the same advertisers also interrupt the MSNBC TV simulcast on XM satellite radio in the evening. Apparently, America is made up of limp-dicked men, wide-waisted women, all of whom are in foreclosure, need a loan, and cheat on their taxes. Oh, and their teenage sons back-talk them (what, they never did that to their parents?), their dogs have mange and their cats have fleas.
Oh, well, at least our cat gets fleas when I forget to use the stuff on him. Otherwise, you’d think I wasn’t American.

Meanwhile, here in California, things seem to be getting, well, not worse. Democrats passed a budget on time, without the kinds of bookkeeping that Enron’s Kenny Boy and his buddy, George Bush, made famous. It even includes more funds back to K-12 schools, and a billion-dollar rainy-day fund.
Since this kinda puts the dagger in the ‘austerity lifts all boats’ crap that the GOP is selling in the red states, you knew they’d want to exact some revenge.  So their House faction is going to try to roll back (read ‘federalize’) a lot of the environmental and business practice regulations that make California capable of having some of the least polluted (per capita) cities in the U.S.  The problem is, some of this is flying under the radar by being included in Senate (!) bills to “strengthen” the EPA.  Sounds like the Dems are gonna get rolled again. C’mon, Lautenberg, haven’t you learned?

Meanwhile, and I can’t tip a big enough hat to Dave Dayen, Republicans and the banks are trying to get off the hook of having to produce the paperwork for their foreclosures (and cut your local registrar out of the business of tracking deeds) by adding a new, privately-owneddatabase as the national record of all real estate ownership. Boy, can’t wait ‘til it gets hacked so that everything belongs to the Whitewater Investment Company of Arkansas.

Locally, the Forum is gonna be back in business as a “music venue” in 2014, starting off with three nights of a band that made me run to KROQ for music back in the 70s. I haven’t been to a Lakers game since they left the Forum, and hadn’t seen a local game until the Expo line got to Culver City, and took me to a Clippers game this year. (Yea, while they were on the winning streak.) . Gave up on downtown ages ago. Can’t stand that Santa Monica Fwy parking lot. More time on the freeway than at the events. Now the light rail means someone else drives, and parking isn’t an issue, so I’m going more.

‘Cause if there’s something LA needs, it’s another venue for the circuses in “bread and circuses”, since we’re losing one, while the Republicans do their damnedestto sink this country.  So let’s all wait to see what a bunch of aging wanna-bes do in the audience of a band of wish-they’d-beens at the Forum come January.  It’ll be a nice way to start a year when the TeaBaggers want to take us back to the ‘70s…the 1870s.

I have one thing to say about Mayor Filner in San Diego.  Seventy? He’s seventy and he’s doing this? And he thinks anyone would believe two weeks anywhere is going to change he approach to, well, to anything? That thought process, as much as his well-reported handling (literally) of women, make him unfit to continue what, if you read that wiki bio, is a long career as a progressive, starting as a Freedom Rider in Jackson Mississippi. Buh-Bye, Bob. Don’t ask San Diego to pay for your lawyers, just take your publicly-funded pension and go

While Dems doing dirt seems to be the theme of the day, at least we call for them to step down, if they don’t do so on their own. As opposed to the freaks on the GOP side of the fence. If you want to spend a few bucks to make a statement, send $13 worth of men’s diapers to Senator David Vitter  at his Capitol office, 516 U S Senate, Washington DC 20510. Or to one of his many Louisiana offices.  Warning, shipping and tax will get this up to $22, but the childish satisfaction is so worth it.

And finally: Nuts. Reds lost to San Diego 2-1 last night. If you know baseball, you can tell exactly when the Padres got all their runs by seeing that the losing pitcher was Aroldis Chapman.

7/30/2013 10:36 AM
7/30/2013 10:43 AM

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