Sunday, February 3, 2019

An Essay A Day in February

I have a small writing project in mind.
An essay a day, for the month of February.

I was encouraged/guilted/realitied(sp?) into this by an author's admonishment to self-described writers: "If you're not writing, you're not a writer."
And, if you look back on this blog, you'll notice (and I was chagrined to see) that I haven't written, at least not here, in...well, in quite some time.
Then, expecting to launch into this, Nature screwed my schedule up. I woke up on Thursday, Jan 31st, sick as hell, lightheaded and foul-stomached. Skipped work and slept all day. First time sick in a couple years. Spent Friday trying to recover, another day lost from the office. That was supposed to be my kick-off day. I started writing, took a break, and woke up Feb 2nd.

Anyway, these excuses excuse nothing. Writing is always on my mind, essays usually, some analysis or weird perspective, on events of the day, or my boots, or the damned dryer.

So I'm going to post these, daily, maybe just under the deadline, but from here on in, daily.

A couple of notes. I generally do some timestamps around my pieces, whether I'm writing by hand, or beating another keyboard into submission. They're 'start time', 'finish time', and there may be a 'finish editing', if I take any time to edit. Might as well keep some metrics.

Speaking of metrics, the name for this blog was based on how many words fill a standard newspaper column, and I'd hoped my words would bite. Well, while they may have, no one bit on them. It's hard writing into the void. But it's the only way this gets out of my head, so I can move on to the next...whatever.

So here goes.

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