Monday, January 14, 2013

Go Ahead, Define “Law-Abiding Gun Owner”

1/14/2013 9:38 PM
I heard on  the news this morning that the football player that offed his girlfriend and then “took his own life”, in the words of the squeamish, actually was drunk on his ass when he pumped nine cartridges through his semi-auto handgun and into his girlfriend, then put one through his own ‘-OH’-soaked brain.
This was a legally bought handgun (as far as I know) which means he passed a background check.

He was one of the “law-abiding gun owners,” until suddenly, he wasn’t. He became a raving criminal. And then a dead one.

The freak that shot twenty first-graders (for fuck’s sake, FIRST GRADERS!) and six school personnel who were trying to stop him, had started off the day by shooting a “law-abiding gun owner”, one who’d bought, trained on, and stored safely, under lock and key, five different arms, including a couple of semi-auto pistols, and at least one AR-15 Bushmaster .223 cal “American Sport Hunting” rifle, like the one the looney used to kill all those goddamned innocent children. In fact, exactly that rifle. Because that was his mother that owned all those, and kept them in the same house as the whack-job she apparently ‘couldn’t handle anymore’ and may have been planning to commit to an institution. But she thought keeping five guns in the house with him was a fine, “law abiding gun owner” thing to do. Until he pointed one of them at her head and started his march to fame.

Everybody, including Insane LaPierre of the NRA, wants to point the finger at mental health as the problem. That it’s mental health, not guns in the home, that cause all these destroyed families and wasted lives. And not the lack of actual gun safety, gun registration, gun sales tracking, all the little things that barely come close to gun control.

Because for gun control, we have to rely on the “law-abiding gun owners” like this bozo linebacker, Belcher, who couldn’t hold his liquor, his dick or his temper, but sure could hold a gun. Or Nancy Lanza, who bought all those guns legally, and did everything to be a safe, competent owner, except live in denial of where the real threat was. In her home.

And then there’s all those other “law-abiding gun owners” or wannabe gun-owners who’ve been overwhelming the sales counters at  gun shows lately, because ‘Tyranny is coming again’ and ‘Obama wants to take your guns’. The believers of these lies, by definition, demonstrate the same  incompetence as Mrs. Lanza in judging real threats, which come at the moments when “law-abiding gun owners” become drunk, or angry, or tired. Tired of their husbands beating them, or of their wives cheating on them. Maybe surprised by their child sneaking home late. Or just worn down by how life is treating them, how it’s just not working out.

And then those “law-abiding gun owners” become killers, or suicides, but definitely criminals, criminals that we should keep away from guns, now that we know they’re nuts, or incompetent, or depressed.

Oh, wait, they weren’t criminals. They were “law-abiding gun owners,” just a bullet ago.

1/14/2013 10:19 PM

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