Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How not to treat women, "Dickless Dicks" edition

I was going to write about this elsewhere, but I wanted to post something to start the year off, New Year's resolution and all. I was listening to Greg Proop's podcast today, the 'Vampires' episode he did in Dublin a couple months ago, where he gets all "preachy" about the Indian medical student studying in Ireland, who, in her 17th week of pregnancy, suddenly complained of back pains, presented at the hospital, and within five days was dead. Because "Ireland is a Catholic country" as one of the attendings said, in refusing her the abortion that would have saved her life. So she's dead, the baby's dead, the husband and both families are devastated, but Ireland has "one of the finest medical systems in the world."

I'd almost forgotten about her horror show, because the news moves so fast. I was glad to be reminded. She seemed to be part of a news thread that no one was picking up.

Because meanwhile,  in Pakistan, a middle-school girl was targeted for assassination, and shot in the head, because she advocates that girls learn to read. Please reread that sentence. Remember, Pakistan has nuclear weapons. These are the kind of men that have nuclear weapons in Pakistan. At least Pakistan didn't claim to have a medical system of any quality at all, being a third-to-fourth-world operation spending its money on nuclear weapons. No, they shipped her comatose body off to England, where it appears she will continue to advocate for girls to learn to read, now that she's out of the coma. Assuming she can walk.

Meanwhile, in India, which from most Americans' viewpoint is just more of Pakistan (or is it the other way around) six assholes with tiny dicks lured a couple onto a party bus the couple mistook for a regular public bus. (Can you make that mistake in America? Anywhere? Even in Mississippi?) Then these guys rode around Delhi, I think, for several hours raping the woman, (again, a student) and because their dicks were so limp and useless and ashamed of being seen by other men, these assholes started fucking her with a metal rod. Which, as you may know, is not as well-suited for sex as a male organ. By the time the police found her, dumped at the side of the rode, there was nothing the wimpering third-to-fourth-world medical system of the nuclear power that is India could do for her, so she was sent, again in a coma, to Singapore, where she died in short order from massive organ failure. Having every organ below your lungs pierced by a metal rod from inside'll do that to a girl.

All of these crimes were committed by men. Scared, stupid, dickless men, which unfortunately, in my experience, describes most men. Not just over there. Here too. Remember the Team Rape that the Republicans put on the ballot across America in 2012.

And the law or the law enforcement of these countries, ours included, does fuck all about this treatment of women. I don't know about Pakistan or India, except that the former's Muslims and that latter's Hindu both seem to agree that women should be kept home, barefoot and pregnant, stupid and silent, or they'll get a whipping. That sounds so familiar, here in the states.

But I spent some time a few decades back, with an Irish city councilman in Cork. And, finding that I had an interest in politics, he gave me a copy of the Irish Contitution. Pale green softback, each left page in English, each right one in Gaelic, approximating a translation on a page-by-page basis. I still have it. I read the preamble when he handed it to me. We had a loooong discussion about our First Amendment after that. Here's the preamble:

"In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, from Whom is all authority and to Whom, as our final end, all actions both of men and States must be referred,
We, the people of Éire
Humbly acknowledging all our obligations to our Divine Lord, Jesus Christ, Who sustained our fathers through centuries of trial,
Gratefully remembering their heroic and unremitting struggle to regain the rightful independence of our Nation,
And seeking to promote the common good, with due observance of Prudence, Justice and Charity, so that the dignity and freedom of the individual may be assured, true social order attained, the unity of our country restored, and concord established with other nations,
Do hereby adopt, enact, and give to ourselves this Constitution.
And that right there is how that fucking doctor in Ireland let that woman die in screaming pain. Because Ireland is a Catholic country, and it nailed its fealty to the Christian God in the first sentence of its Constitution, even before it claimed to be something to help its people. Kinda like them Moooslims do that Sharia law thing.
All written by men, all claiming God's will, all because they're afraid of women. Christ, it makes me want to cut off my own dick, just so I can't be mistaken for one of these assholes.

The people of India are marching for these six cowards to get the death penalty. I can think of several far more imaginative penalties, ones that would have the added bonus of continually reminding every other man of the consequences of abusing women.

Because, guys, we scare women. Do you wonder why?

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