Thursday, January 3, 2013

How Gun Safety Legislation Will Be Implemented

Yea, yea, no fucking way. Too many guns out there, what’s the point, the GOP is owned and operated by the NRA, the South will rise again, yea, I got all that.

I got 20 first-graders, shot dead, en masse, in their classrooms, in less than ten minutes. Did I mention that the coroner says EVERY one of them was shot multiple times? That means the power of several .223 rounds, traveling less than 40 feet, slammed into each of those tiny bodies, and transmitted an enormous amount of that power in shock waves than turned the insides of those little bodies to jelly, inflating them like little Macy’s Day floats before the explosive pressure forced that jelly out whatever vent it could find. Entry wound, exit wound, eyeballs, ears, use your imagination if you dare.

The first responders, the coroners, the police on scene, are all going to need therapy for…well, forever.

While all the gun-protectors, the NRA, the NMA, the GOP, have leapt to the protection of an individual’s right to bear tactical shoulder-fired missiles, much less semi-auto rifles like the one used to kill these children, the president has empaneled a commission, with Fiscal-Deal-Log-Jam-Breakin’ Vice-President Biden in charge, to draft policies and model legislation to propose to the nation.  

A commission. Which, as we all know, is where good intentions go to die.


Except how long’s it been since Gabby Giffords was gunned down along with a dozen others? Since the Colorado theater massacre? Since Newtown? Not many days. And there will be another. You can practically set your watch by it.

And when there is, that’s when the Commission can hand its proposals to the Senate, to the House, and DARE them not to do something, while the stories and video of that next assault blares from every media outlet (except FOX, of course). Even the most shameful of the shameless GOP will be forced to deal, and pass, if not the proposed legislation, then a version in that direction.

And this can be repeated every time there’s another, because there are so many guns, and so many people that just know the world is against them (hi there, Limbaugh listeners!) that we know this’ll keep happening. Just hopefully, slowly, less frequently.

And if the GOP balks, at any point, statistics says one of the parents of one of those twenty little children, who has seen the pictures of his or her child’s body after that shooting, will drop those photos on the NRA, the GOP, the Congress of the United States, the press.

No one will be able to avert their eyes. 

And no one will be able to stop that legislation.

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