Sunday, January 11, 2015

I had two wonderful experiences with Western culture today.

I had two wonderful experiences with Western culture today.

First, I got up at 6am and watched a million people gather in La Place de la Republique in Paris, marching in solidarity against those who had attacked their principles, our principles, principles of freedom a speech, and freedom of religion. It was a marvelous sight.

That’s been the difference between this attack in Paris, and the one in New York on 9/11. Not the number of casualties. Both countries lost millions in WWII, and still survived. No, on 9/11, terrorists attacked a giant symbol of money and power. In Paris, they attacked part of the philosophy of Western civilization: the freedom to speak, to criticize, to investigate and inquire, to seek new and better answers, both to old questions and to the new questions that result from the better answers.

As I said, a marvelous sight.

As was the turn-out among Democrats in our Assembly district, here in LA. Yes, I know, seems a poor comparison, yet this is where Western civilization starts, in freedom of assembly, and freedom to select our leaders, to the right to elect our government. Not to be dictated to by self-appointed religious leaders, or forced to cower at gunpoint under military juntas or mo. Granted, the billionaires are trying to run the country, as distasteful as that is, but until they attack our Western rights and freedoms (and don’t you think they aren’t trying,) participating in politics, as bad a reputation as it’s been given, is your right as a Westerner.

And watching people participate just thrills me every time. And, surprising even me, sometimes brings me to tears. Even after eight hours as one of a dozen volunteers, helping 450 Democrats vote for party delegates.

And now, we have elected seven men and seven women to represent the district to the state party, a party that has been successful and strong in recent years. And hopefully, more successful in future.

Our weird little display of Western philosophy: freedom of speech, and of assembly, and to elect our representatives and our government.  

Sure beats living in the ninth century.

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