Monday, January 5, 2015

Why I like the ACA, and Obama...

1/5/2015 9:37 PM

Most days, I think I’m the only person who still gets a paper on the stoop in the morning. I try to at least skim every page.  (And with football and basketball seasons underway, I can skip the Sports section.) Am I really the only person who read this piece in the LA Times   of  a woman who suddenly discovered two things after a minor crash in traffic: she had chronic myeloid leukemia, and her $1095/month Kaiser insurance wouldn’t cover the $6809/month drug regime?
Right: a well-regarded company’s expensive insurance policy wasn’t any better than any of the other crappy no-coverage Cheap-O policies…at least not for Lisa Gray. Seems she just hadn’t read the fine print in Appendix B somewhere near the end of the 80-page policy.

Have any of us actually read our policies?

Fortunately, as a result of the ACA, she now has a new Kaiser policy, at $780/month, with a $30/month co-pay for the drugs that, now, have her cancer-free.

That woman’s life, that she actually still has one, is alive I mean, is a reason I’m glad we got Obama elected.

Even if you disagree, these pics are a great way to see what goes on in the life of a president, any president. And if you like our current president, these will make you like him more. 

My favorite may be of the two most famous pairs of ears in Washington.

More tomorrow.

1/5/2015 10:02 PM

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